Source code for kerrpy.raytracer

from .universe import universe
from .utils.logging_utils import LoggingClass

import os
import numpy as np
from numpy import pi as Pi
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Circle
import mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d as art3d

from pycuda import driver, compiler, gpuarray
import jinja2

# When importing this module we are initializing the device.
# Now, we can call the device and send information using
# the apropiate tools in the pycuda module.
import pycuda.autoinit

__logmodule__ = True

# Set directories for correct handling of paths
selfDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
softwareDir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(selfDir, os.pardir))

[docs]def spher2cart(points): # Retrieve the actual data r = points[:, 0] theta = points[:, 1] phi = points[:, 2] cosT = np.cos(theta) sinT = np.sin(theta) cosP = np.cos(phi) sinP = np.sin(phi) x = r * sinT * cosP y = r * sinT * sinP z = r * cosT return x, y, z
[docs]class RayTracer(metaclass=LoggingClass): """Relativistic spacetime ray tracer. This class generates images of what an observer would see near a rotating black hole. This is an abstraction layer over the CUDA kernel that integrates the ODE system specified in equations (A.15) of Thorne's paper. It integrates, backwards in time, a set of rays near a Kerr black hole, computing its trajectories from the focal point of a camera located near the black hole. The RayTracer class hides all the black magic behind the CUDA code, giving a nice and simple interface to the user that just wants some really cool, and scientifically accurate, images. Given a scene composed by a camera, a Kerr metric and a black hole, the RayTracer just expects a time :math:`x_{end}` to solve the system. Example: Define the characteristics of the black hole and build it:: spin = 0.9999999999 innerDiskRadius = 9 outerDiskRadius = 20 blackHole = BlackHole(spin, innerDiskRadius, outerDiskRadius) Define the specifications of the camera and build it:: camR = 30 camTheta = 1.511 camPhi = 0 camFocalLength = 3 camSensorShape = (1000, 1000) # (Rows, Columns) camSensorSize = (2, 2) # (Height, Width) camera = Camera(camR, camTheta, camPhi, camFocalLength, camSensorShape, camSensorSize) Create a Kerr metric with the previous two objects:: kerr = KerrMetric(camera, blackHole) Set the speed of the camera once the Kerr metric and the black hole are created: it needs some info from both of these objects:: camera.setSpeed(kerr, blackHole) Finally, build the raytracer with the camera, the metric and the black hole...:: rayTracer = RayTracer(camera, kerr, blackHole) ...and generate the image!:: rayTracer.rayTrace(-90) rayTracer.synchronise() rayTracer.plotImage() """
[docs] def __init__(self, camera, debug=False): self.debug = debug self.systemSize = 5 # Set up the necessary objects = camera # Get the number of rows and columns of the final image self.imageRows =[0] self.imageCols =[1] self.numPixels = self.imageRows * self.imageCols # Compute the block and grid sizes: given a fixed block dimension of 64 # threads (in an 8x8 shape), the number of blocks are computed to get # at least as much threads as pixels # Fixed size block dimension: 8x8x1 self.blockDimCols = 8 self.blockDimRows = 8 self.blockDim = (self.blockDimCols, self.blockDimRows, 1) # Grid dimension computed to cover all the pixels with a thread (there # will be some idle threads) self.gridDimCols = int(((self.imageCols - 1) / self.blockDimCols) + 1) self.gridDimRows = int(((self.imageRows - 1) / self.blockDimRows) + 1) self.gridDim = (self.gridDimCols, self.gridDimRows, 1) # print(self.blockDim, self.gridDim) # Render the kernel self._kernelRendering() # Compute the initial conditions self._setUpInitCond() # Create two timers to measure the time self.start = driver.Event() self.end = driver.Event() # Initialise a variatble to store the total time of computation between # all calls self.totalTime = 0.
def _kernelRendering(self): # We must construct a FileSystemLoader object to load templates off # the filesystem templateLoader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader(searchpath=selfDir) # An environment provides the data necessary to read and # parse our templates. We pass in the loader object here. templateEnv = jinja2.Environment(loader=templateLoader) # Read the template file using the environment object. # This also constructs our Template object. templatePath = os.path.join('Kernel', 'common.jj') template = templateEnv.get_template(templatePath) codeType = "double" # Specify any input variables to the template as a dictionary. templateVars = { "IMG_ROWS": self.imageRows, "IMG_COLS": self.imageCols, "NUM_PIXELS": self.imageRows * self.imageCols, # Camera constants "D":, "CAM_R":, "CAM_THETA":, "CAM_PHI":, "CAM_BETA":, # Black hole constants "SPIN": universe.spin, "SPIN2": universe.spinSquared, "B1": universe.b1, "B2": universe.b2, "HORIZON_RADIUS": universe.horizonRadius, "INNER_DISK_RADIUS": universe.accretionDisk.innerRadius, "OUTER_DISK_RADIUS": universe.accretionDisk.outerRadius, # Kerr metric constants "RO":, "DELTA":, "POMEGA":, "ALPHA":, "OMEGA":, # Camera rotation angles "PITCH": np.float64(, "ROLL": np.float64(, "YAW": np.float64(, # RK45 solver constants "R_TOL_I": 1e-6, "A_TOL_I": 1e-12, "SAFE": 0.9, "SAFE_INV": 1 / 0.9, "FAC_1": 0.2, "FAC_1_INV": 1 / 0.2, "FAC_2": 10.0, "FAC_2_INV": 1 / 10.0, "BETA": 0.04, "UROUND": 2.3e-16, "MIN_RESOL": -0.1, "MAX_RESOL": -2.0, # Constants for the alternative version of the solver "SOLVER_DELTA": 0.03125, "SOLVER_EPSILON": 1e-6, # Convention for ray status "SPHERE": SPHERE, # A ray that has not yet collide with anything. "DISK": DISK, # A ray that has collided with the disk. "HORIZON": HORIZON, # A ray that has collided with the black hole. # Data type "REAL": codeType, # Number of equations "SYSTEM_SIZE": self.systemSize, "DATA_SIZE": 2, # Debug switch "DEBUG": "#define DEBUG" if self.debug else "" } # Finally, process the template to produce our final text. kernel = template.render(templateVars) # Store it in the file that will be included by all the other compiled # files filePath = os.path.join(selfDir, 'Kernel', '') with open(filePath, 'w') as outputFile: outputFile.write(kernel) # ======================= KERNEL COMPILATION ======================= # # Compile the kernel code using pycuda.compiler kernelFile = os.path.join(selfDir, "Kernel", "") mod = compiler.SourceModule(open(kernelFile, "r").read(), include_dirs=[selfDir, softwareDir]) # Get the initial kernel function from the compiled module self._setInitialConditions = mod.get_function("setInitialConditions") # Get the solver function from the compiled module self._solve = mod.get_function("kernel") # Get the image generation function from the compiled module self.generateImage = mod.get_function("generate_image") self.generate_textured_image = mod.get_function("generate_textured_image") # # Get the collision detection function from the compiled module # self._detectCollisions = mod.get_function("detectCollisions") def _setUpInitCond(self): # Array to compute the ray's initial conditions self.systemState = np.empty((self.imageRows, self.imageCols, self.systemSize)) # Array to compute the ray's constants self.constants = np.empty((self.imageRows, self.imageCols, 2)) # Array to store the rays status: # 0: A ray that has not yet collide with anything. # 1: A ray that has collided with the horizon. # 2: A ray that has collided with the black hole. self.rayStatus = np.zeros((self.imageRows, self.imageCols), dtype=np.int32) # Send them to the GPU self.systemStateGPU = gpuarray.to_gpu(self.systemState) self.constantsGPU = gpuarray.to_gpu(self.constants) self.rayStatusGPU = gpuarray.to_gpu(self.rayStatus) # Compute the initial conditions self._setInitialConditions( self.systemStateGPU, self.constantsGPU, np.float64(, np.float64(, # Grid definition -> number of blocks x number of blocks. # Each block computes the direction of one pixel grid=self.gridDim, # Block definition -> number of threads x number of threads # Each thread in the block computes one RK4 step for one equation block=self.blockDim) # TODO: Remove this copy, inefficient! # Retrieve the computed initial conditions self.systemState = self.systemStateGPU.get() self.constants = self.constantsGPU.get()
[docs] def callKernel(self, x, xEnd): self._solve( np.float64(x), np.float64(xEnd), self.systemStateGPU, np.float64(-0.001), np.float64(xEnd - x), self.constantsGPU, self.rayStatusGPU, # Grid definition -> number of blocks x number of blocks. # Each block computes the direction of one pixel grid=self.gridDim, # Block definition -> number of threads x number of threads # Each thread in the block computes one RK4 step for one # equation block=self.blockDim)
[docs] def rayTrace(self, xEnd, kernelCalls=1): """ Args: xEnd (float): Time in which the system will be integrated. After this method finishes, the value of the rays at t=xEnd will be known stepsPerKernel (integer): The number of steps each kernel call will compute; i.e., the host will call the kernel xEnd / (resolution*stepsPerKernel) times. resolution (float): The size of the interval that will be used to compute one solver step between successive calls to the collision detection method. """ # Initialize current time x = np.float64(0) # Compute iteration interval interval = xEnd / kernelCalls # Send the rays to the outer space! for _ in range(kernelCalls): # print(x, x + interval) # Start timing self.start.record() # Call the kernel! self.callKernel(x, x + interval) # Update time x += interval # End timing self.end.record() self.end.synchronize() # Calculate the run length self.totalTime += self.start.time_till(self.end) * 1e-3 self.synchronise() return self.rayStatus, self.systemState
[docs] def slicedRayTrace(self, xEnd, numSteps=100): stepSize = xEnd / numSteps # Initialize plotData with the initial position of the rays self.plotData = np.zeros((self.imageRows, self.imageCols, 3, numSteps + 1)) self.plotData[:, :, :, 0] = self.systemState[:, :, :3] # Initialize plotStatus with a matriz full of zeros self.plotStatus = np.empty((self.imageRows, self.imageCols, numSteps + 1), dtype=np.int32) self.plotStatus[:, :, 0] = 0 x = 0 for step in range(numSteps): # Solve the system self.callKernel(x, x + stepSize) # Advance the step and synchronise x += stepSize self.synchronise() # Get the data and store it for future plot self.plotData[:, :, :, step + 1] = self.systemState[:, :, :3] self.plotStatus[:, :, step + 1] = self.rayStatus return self.plotStatus, self.plotData
[docs] def synchronise(self): self.rayStatus = self.rayStatusGPU.get() self.systemState = self.systemStateGPU.get()
[docs] def texturedImage(self, disk, sphere): """Image should be a 2D array where each entry is a 3-tuple of Reals between 0.0 and 1.0 """ diskGPU = gpuarray.to_gpu(disk) sphereGPU = gpuarray.to_gpu(sphere) self.image = np.empty((self.imageRows, self.imageCols, 3), dtype=np.float64) imageGPU = gpuarray.to_gpu(self.image) self.generateImage( self.systemStateGPU, self.rayStatusGPU, diskGPU, np.int32(disk.shape[0]), np.int32(disk.shape[1]), sphereGPU, np.int32(sphere.shape[0]), np.int32(sphere.shape[1]), imageGPU, # Grid definition -> number of blocks x number of blocks. # Each block computes the direction of one pixel grid=self.gridDim, # Block definition -> number of threads x number of threads # Each thread in the block computes one RK4 step for one equation block=self.blockDim) self.image = imageGPU.get() return self.image
[docs] def dashed_textured_image(self): self.image = np.empty((self.imageRows, self.imageCols, 3), dtype=np.float64) imageGPU = gpuarray.to_gpu(self.image) self.generate_textured_image( self.systemStateGPU, self.rayStatusGPU, imageGPU, # Grid definition -> number of blocks x number of blocks. # Each block computes the direction of one pixel grid=self.gridDim, # Block definition -> number of threads x number of threads # Each thread in the block computes one RK4 step for one equation block=self.blockDim) self.image = imageGPU.get() return self.image