Source code for kerrpy.utils.progress_lib

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__author__ = 'pablogsal'
#--------------------------------------IMPORT STUFF----------------------------------------------#

import os
import sys

#--------------------------------------FUNCTION DECLARATION--------------------------------------#

# getTerminalSize() : Returns the width and the height of the terminal as a tuple.
[docs]def getTerminalSize(): env = os.environ def ioctl_GWINSZ(fd): try: import fcntl, termios, struct, os cr = struct.unpack('hh', fcntl.ioctl(fd, termios.TIOCGWINSZ, '1234')) except: return return cr cr = ioctl_GWINSZ(0) or ioctl_GWINSZ(1) or ioctl_GWINSZ(2) if not cr: try: fd =, os.O_RDONLY) cr = ioctl_GWINSZ(fd) os.close(fd) except: pass if not cr: cr = (env.get('LINES', 25), env.get('COLUMNS', 80)) ### Use get(key[, default]) instead of a try/catch #try: # cr = (env['LINES'], env['COLUMNS']) #except: # cr = (25, 80) return int(cr[1]), int(cr[0])
# update_progress() : Displays or updates a console progress bar # Accepts a float between 0 and 1. Any int will be converted to a float. # A value under 0 represents a 'halt'. # A value at 1 or bigger represents 100% # The width of the progress bar is adapted to the console width and is updated in every iteration of the code.
[docs]def update_progress(progress, time): (width, height) = getTerminalSize() barLength = width/2 # Modify this to change the length of the progress bar status = "" if isinstance(progress, int): progress = float(progress) if not isinstance(progress, float): progress = 0 status = "error: progress var must be float\r\n" if progress < 0: progress = 0 status = "Halt...\r\n" if progress >= 1: progress = 1 status = "Done...\r\n" block = int(round(barLength * progress)) text = "\rPercent: [{0}] {1:.2f}% --- {3:.2f} s. remain. {2}".format( "=" * (block - 1) + ">" + " " * int(barLength - (block - 1)-1), progress * 100, status, time) sys.stdout.write(text) sys.stdout.flush()
# Dummy -and probably inefficient- implementation of the mean
[docs]def mean(vector): return float(sum(vector) / len(vector))
[docs]def progress_bar_init(max): meanTime = [] step = 0 def update(lastStepTime): nonlocal step # Append time measure to the measure list meanTime.append(lastStepTime) # Update the progress bar update_progress( float(step) / max, mean(meanTime) * (max - step) ) step += 1 return update